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Dark Chestnut
Conistra ligula (Esper, 1791)
Noctuidae: Xyleninae
2259 / 73.195
Photo © David Rowe,  Leek, To UV lamp. 20/2/23

Similar West Midlands Species
Conistra vaccinii
Forewing: 13-15mm
Flight: October - February
Foodplant:   Blackthorn, Hawthorn, sallows, oaks, docks
Red List: Least Concern (LC)
GB status: Common
Verification Grade:  Adult: 2

A fairly common species across the region.

Found in broadleaved woodland, scrub and many gardens.

Overwinters as an adult. They are attracted to light and to sugar and may be seen on Ivy blossom in the autumn or Sallow catkins in spring.

Note can be confused with the Chestnut but that species is generally paler and with a more rounded wing tip. In Dark Chestnut the wing tip is somewhat hooked, but difficult to see that on worn specimens.

Recorded in 95 (68%) of 140 10k Squares.
First Recorded in 1857.
Last Recorded in 2022.
(Data up to end 2022)

Latest 5 Records (Data up to end 2022)
Date#VC10k Area
28/12/2022239SK22 - Burton-on-Trent
28/11/2022139SJ93 - Downs Banks/Stone
26/11/2022139SJ93 - Downs Banks/Stone
25/11/2022139SJ82 - Eccleshall/Gnosall
25/11/2022136SO54 - NE Hereford & Marden
Further info: Conistra ligula
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