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  Pandemis heparana (Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix)    Photo © Patrick Clement

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3 Subfamilies.

Wingspan 14-24mm. Medium sized broad winged moths. They hold the wings flat over their bodies, and have a bell shaped outline at rest, caused by a very convex base to the costa, which is then often rather distally excavated with a variably prominent apex producing a typical shape best seen in the genera Pandemis, Archips and Acleris. The forewing pattern consists of a darker basal patch, an outwardly oblique median fascia, and a subapical blotch. This typical pattern is however obscured in some species. Most of their larvae feed concealed in rolled or joined leaves or in spun shoots (from which they get the family name, Tortrix, meaning twister), and are often quite polyphagous on the foliage of various trees and shrubs, including conifers. Some species feed on herbaceous plants, some are more oligophagous and a few feed on fruits, berries, flowers and seed heads. Most overwinter as larvae and complete their feeding in the spring. Imagines of some of the genus Acleris hibernate and some are very polymorphic. Many fly actively in the late afternoon and evening or at dusk and sometimes come to light traps. They may often be disturbed in the day.

Wingspan 11-16mm Only two species classified separately because of significant genitalia differences but otherwise with similar life histories to the Tortricinae.

Cochylini Somewhat smaller moths which have a characteristic resting posture with the closed wings forming a sharp ridge, and are often coloured white, yellow, pink or orange with variable darker markings, sometimes including metallic spots or striae. Their larvae feed internally in seed heads, roots, shoots and stems, mostly of herbaceous plants but some feed in berries and fruits of shrubs and small trees. Some are active in the day as well as later in the evening.

Wingspan 11-16mm. with a few as small as 9-11mm. or as big as 16-24mm. Small to medium sized moths with broad wings and a straighter costa than the Tortricini and whose wing markings and life histories are more specialised and varied. Some have similar wing patterns but typically they have a pale or dark dorsal blotch with white or pale costal marks (strigulae) and a circular marking at the tornus, often containing metallic scales, called an ocellus. There are however many variations on this basic scheme and some are polymorphic. Their larvae have very varied life histories, feeding in spinnings in leaves, shoots, flowers and seed heads and internally in stems, buds, roots, berries, seedpods, fruits and cones. They tend to be oligophagous or monophagous, and often feed on herbaceous plants. Some species are bivoltine. A few are diurnal and fly in sunshine but most are active in late afternoon and evening. Some come to light and some can be found resting on tree trunks in the day.

49.001 1013 Olindia schumacherana
49.002 1014 Isotrias rectifasciana
49.004 1010 Ditula angustiorana
49.005 1006 Epagoge grotiana
49.008 1008 Philedone gerningana
49.009 1007 Capua vulgana
49.010 1009 Philedonides lunana
49.011 976 Archips oporana
49.013 977 Archips podana
49.014 979 Archips crataegana
49.015 980 Archips xylosteana
49.016 981 Archips rosana
49.017 982 Choristoneura diversana
49.018 983 Choristoneura hebenstreitella
49.020 974 Argyrotaenia ljungiana
49.021 987 Ptycholomoides aeriferana
49.022 1000 Ptycholoma lecheana
49.023 971 Pandemis cinnamomeana
49.024 969 Pandemis corylana
49.025 970 Pandemis cerasana
49.026 972 Pandemis heparana
49.028 986 Syndemis musculana
49.029 1002 Lozotaenia forsterana
49.030 985 Cacoecimorpha pronubana
49.031 989 Zelotherses paleana
49.032 990 Zelotherses unitana
49.033 988 Aphelia viburnana
49.035 991 Clepsis senecionana
49.037 993 Clepsis spectrana
49.038 994 Clepsis consimilana
49.0388 944a Clepsis peritana
49.039 998 Epiphyas postvittana
49.040 1001 Lozotaeniodes formosana
49.041 999 Adoxophyes orana
49.042 1027 Neosphaleroptera nubilana
49.043 1026 Exapate congelatella
49.044 1025 Tortricodes alternella
49.045 1029 Eana osseana
49.047 1030 Eana incanana
49.049 1024 Cnephasia incertana
49.050 1020 Cnephasia stephensiana
49.051 1021 Cnephasia asseclana
49.052 1022 Cnephasia pasiuana
49.053 1022a Cnephasia pumicana
49.054 1023 Cnephasia genitalana
49.055 1018 Cnephasia communana
49.056 1019 Cnephasia conspersana
49.057 1016 Cnephasia longana
49.058 1034 Spatalistis bifasciana
49.059 1033 Tortrix viridana
49.060 1032 Aleimma loeflingiana
49.061 1037 Acleris holmiana
49.062 1036 Acleris forsskaleana
49.063 1035 Acleris bergmanniana
49.064 1040 Acleris caledoniana
49.065 1039 Acleris comariana
49.0655 1038x Acleris laterana/comariana
49.066 1038 Acleris laterana
49.067 1059 Acleris abietana
49.069 1041 Acleris sparsana
49.070 1042 Acleris rhombana
49.071 1062 Acleris emargana
49.073 1047 Acleris schalleriana
49.075 1052 Acleris umbrana
49.076 1054 Acleris cristana
49.077 1048 Acleris variegana
49.078 1043 Acleris aspersana
49.080 1053 Acleris hastiana
49.082 1055 Acleris hyemana
49.083 1044 Acleris ferrugana
49.0835 1044x Acleris ferrugana/notana
49.084 1045 Acleris notana
49.085 1050 Acleris kochiella
49.086 1051 Acleris logiana
49.087 1061 Acleris literana
49.090 1015 Eulia ministrana
49.091 1011 Pseudargyrotoza conwagana
49.092 921 Phtheochroa inopiana
49.093 922 Phtheochroa schreibersiana
49.094 923 Phtheochroa sodaliana
49.095 925 Phtheochroa rugosana
49.096 924 Hysterophora maculosana
49.097 936 Cochylimorpha straminea
49.099 933 Phalonidia gilvicomana
49.100 934 Phalonidia curvistrigana
49.101 926 Phalonidia manniana
49.108 930 Gynnidomorpha alismana
49.109 937 Agapeta hamana
49.110 938 Agapeta zoegana
49.111 954 Eupoecilia angustana
49.112 955 Eupoecilia ambiguella
49.113 952 Commophila aeneana
49.114 941 Aethes hartmanniana
49.115 942 Aethes piercei
49.120 947 Aethes smeathmanniana
49.121 939 Aethes tesserana
49.122 949 Aethes dilucidana
49.123 951 Aethes beatricella
49.124 950 Aethes francillana
49.127 945 Aethes cnicana
49.128 946 Aethes rubigana
49.129 959 Cochylidia rupicola
49.130 958 Cochylidia subroseana
49.132 956 Cochylidia implicitana
49.133 968 Thyraylia nana
49.134 962 Cochylis roseana
49.135 963 Cochylis flaviciliana
49.136 965 Neocochylis hybridella
49.137 964 Neocochylis dubitana
49.138 964a Neocochylis molliculana
49.139 966 Cochylichroa atricapitana
49.142 960 Falseuncaria ruficiliana
49.143 1114 Eudemis porphyrana
49.144 1113 Eudemis profundana
49.145 1088 Pseudosciaphila branderiana
49.146 1089 Apotomis semifasciana
49.148 1091 Apotomis lineana
49.149 1092 Apotomis turbidana
49.150 1093 Apotomis betuletana
49.151 1094 Apotomis capreana
49.152 1095 Apotomis sororculana
49.153 1096 Apotomis sauciana
49.154 1087 Orthotaenia undulana
49.155 1086 Hedya salicella
49.156 1083 Hedya nubiferana
49.157 1082 Hedya pruniana
49.158 1084 Hedya ochroleucana
49.159 1085 Hedya atropunctana
49.160 1065 Celypha rufana
49.161 1063 Celypha striana
49.162 1064 Celypha rosaceana
49.165 1066 Celypha woodiana
49.166 1076 Celypha lacunana
49.167 1068 Celypha rivulana
49.172 1073 Phiaris schulziana
49.173 1075 Phiaris micana
49.178 1070 Stictea mygindiana
49.179 1080 Olethreutes arcuella
49.180 1079 Piniphila bifasciana
49.181 1105 Lobesia occidentis
49.183 1108 Lobesia abscisana
49.184 1106 Lobesia reliquana
49.185 1109 Lobesia littoralis
49.186 1097 Endothenia gentianaeana
49.187 1098 Endothenia oblongana
49.188 1099 Endothenia marginana
49.189 1100 Endothenia pullana
49.190 1101 Endothenia ustulana
49.191 1102 Endothenia nigricostana
49.192 1103 Endothenia ericetana
49.193 1104 Endothenia quadrimaculana
49.194 1111 Bactra lancealana
49.195 1110 Bactra furfurana
49.199 1217 Eucosmomorpha albersana
49.200 1216 Enarmonia formosana
49.201 1117 Ancylis unguicella
49.202 1118 Ancylis uncella
49.203 1123 Ancylis laetana
49.204 1122 Ancylis obtusana
49.205 1116 Ancylis comptana
49.206 1121 Ancylis upupana
49.207 1119 Ancylis geminana
49.209 1119a Ancylis diminutana
49.210 1125 Ancylis unculana
49.211 1128 Ancylis myrtillana
49.212 1129 Ancylis apicella
49.214 1126 Ancylis badiana
49.215 1115 Ancylis achatana
49.216 1120 Ancylis mitterbacheriana
49.217 1124 Ancylis tineana
49.220 1162 Rhopobota myrtillana
49.222 1158 Rhopobota ustomaculana
49.223 1159 Rhopobota naevana
49.224 1205 Spilonota ocellana
49.225 1205a Spilonota laricana
49.228 1153 Epinotia sordidana
49.229 1154 Epinotia caprana
49.230 1151 Epinotia trigonella
49.231 1155 Epinotia brunnichana
49.232 1152 Epinotia maculana
49.233 1156 Epinotia solandriana
49.234 1150 Epinotia abbreviana
49.237 1144 Epinotia signatana
49.238 1147 Epinotia cruciana
49.239 1148 Epinotia mercuriana
49.240 1136 Epinotia immundana
49.242 1145 Epinotia nanana
49.243 1135 Epinotia demarniana
49.244 1132 Epinotia subocellana
49.245 1137 Epinotia tetraquetrana
49.246 1130 Epinotia pygmaeana
49.247 1131 Epinotia subsequana
49.248 1139 Epinotia tenerana
49.249 1134 Epinotia ramella
49.250 1140 Epinotia nigricana
49.251 1146 Epinotia rubiginosana
49.252 1142 Epinotia tedella
49.253 1143 Epinotia fraternana
49.254 1133 Epinotia bilunana
49.255 1138 Epinotia nisella
49.256 1138a Epinotia cinereana
49.257 1166 Zeiraphera griseana
49.259 1163 Zeiraphera ratzeburgiana
49.260 1165 Zeiraphera isertana
49.261 1157 Crocidosema plebejana
49.264 1202 Eucosma obumbratana
49.265 1201 Eucosma cana
49.266 1200 Eucosma hohenwartiana
49.267 1200b Eucosma fulvana
49.269 1197 Eucosma campoliliana
49.270 1194 Eucosma aemulana
49.275 1192 Eucosma conterminana
49.276 1190 Eucosma aspidiscana
49.277 1199 Eucosma pupillana
49.278 1171 Gypsonoma minutana
49.279 1169 Gypsonoma dealbana
49.280 1170 Gypsonoma oppressana
49.281 1168 Gypsonoma sociana
49.283 1167 Gypsonoma aceriana
49.284 1186 Epiblema sticticana
49.285 1184 Epiblema scutulana
49.286 1184a Epiblema cirsiana
49.288 1183 Epiblema foenella
49.289 1187 Epiblema costipunctana
49.290 1182 Epiblema turbidana
49.292 1174 Notocelia cynosbatella
49.293 1180 Notocelia tetragonana
49.294 1175 Notocelia uddmanniana
49.295 1178 Notocelia roborana
49.296 1179 Notocelia incarnatana
49.297 1177 Notocelia rosaecolana
49.298 1176 Notocelia trimaculana
49.299 1208 Pseudococcyx posticana
49.300 1209 Pseudococcyx turionella
49.303 1206 Clavigesta sylvestrana
49.304 1207 Clavigesta purdeyi
49.305 1210 Rhyacionia buoliana
49.306 1211 Rhyacionia pinicolana
49.307 1212 Rhyacionia pinivorana
49.309 1285 Dichrorampha plumbana
49.310 1286 Dichrorampha sedatana
49.311 1287 Dichrorampha aeratana
49.312 1280 Dichrorampha consortana
49.313 1279 Dichrorampha acuminatana
49.314 1282 Dichrorampha sylvicolana
49.315 1281 Dichrorampha simpliciana
49.316 1278 Dichrorampha sequana
49.318 1284 Dichrorampha vancouverana
49.319 1275 Dichrorampha flavidorsana
49.320 1274 Dichrorampha alpinana
49.321 1273 Dichrorampha petiverella
49.322 1276 Dichrorampha plumbagana
49.323 1283 Dichrorampha montanana
49.324 1257 Cydia nigricana
49.325 1255 Cydia ulicetana
49.329 1266a Cydia illutana
49.330 1269 Cydia conicolana
49.332 1268 Cydia coniferana
49.334 1267 Cydia cosmophorana
49.335 1254 Cydia strobilella
49.336 1266 Cydia pactolana
49.338 1261 Cydia pomonella
49.339 1256 Cydia servillana
49.341 1260 Cydia splendana
49.342 1259 Cydia fagiglandana
49.3421 1269a Cydia injectiva
49.343 1262 Cydia amplana
49.3431 1215 Thaumatotibia leucotreta
49.345 1219 Lathronympha strigana
49.347 1241 Grapholita compositella
49.348 1243 Grapholita pallifrontana
49.349 1242 Grapholita internana
49.351 1252 Grapholita lunulana
49.354 1251 Grapholita jungiella
49.3541 1248 Grapholita molesta
49.356 1249 Grapholita lobarzewskii
49.357 1247 Grapholita funebrana
49.358 1246 Grapholita tenebrosana
49.359 1245 Grapholita janthinana
49.360 1223 Pammene splendidulana
49.361 1228a Pammene ignorata
49.362 1227 Pammene giganteana
49.363 1228 Pammene argyrana
49.364 1230 Pammene suspectana
49.365 1229 Pammene albuginana
49.366 1225 Pammene obscurana
49.367 1236 Pammene fasciana
49.371 1239 Pammene rhediella
49.372 1232 Pammene populana
49.373 1231 Pammene spiniana
49.374 1235 Pammene trauniana
49.375 1234 Pammene regiana
49.376 1233 Pammene aurita
49.377 1237 Pammene germmana
49.378 1238 Pammene ochsenheimeriana
49.379 1272 Pammene aurana
49.380 1271 Pammene gallicana
49.381 1221 Strophedra weirana
49.382 1222 Strophedra nitidana

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